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BellaOnline Nutrition Database

BellaOnline Nutrition Database - BellaOnline is committed to helping our visitors become healthy and happy. Our BellaOnline Nutrition Database will help you choose the healthiest foods for your chosen lifestyle.

All Foods Beginning with the Letter "R"

Results of that search:

Radicchio, raw
Radish seeds, sprouted, raw
Radishes, hawaiian style, pickled
Radishes, oriental, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Radishes, oriental, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Radishes, oriental, dried
Radishes, oriental, raw
Radishes, raw
Radishes, white icicle, raw
Raisins, golden seedless
Raisins, seeded
Raisins, seedless
Rambutan, canned, syrup pack
Raspberries, canned, red, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids
Raspberries, frozen, red, sweetened
Raspberries, raw
Raspberries, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
Ready-to-drink reduced fat milk beverage, flavored and sweetened, with added calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D
Reddi Wip Fat Free Whipped Topping
Refried beans, canned, fat-free
Refried beans, canned, traditional style (includes USDA commodity)
Refried beans, canned, vegetarian
Rennin, chocolate, dry mix, prepared with 2% milk
Rennin, chocolate, dry mix, prepared with whole milk
Rennin, vanilla, dry mix, prepared with 2% milk
Rennin, vanilla, dry mix, prepared with whole milk
Restaurant, Chinese, beef and vegetables
Restaurant, Chinese, egg rolls, assorted
Restaurant, Chinese, fried rice
Restaurant, Chinese, general tso's chicken
Restaurant, Chinese, kung pao chicken
Restaurant, Chinese, lemon chicken
Restaurant, family style, chicken fingers, from kid's menu
Restaurant, family style, French fries
Restaurant, family style, fried mozzarella sticks
Restaurant, family style, macaroni & cheese, from kids' menu
Restaurant, family style, shrimp, breaded and fried
Restaurant, family style, sirloin steak
Restaurant, Latino, arepa (unleavened cornmeal bread)
Restaurant, Latino, Arroz con frijoles negros (rice and black beans)
Restaurant, Latino, Arroz con grandules (rice and pigeonpeas)
Restaurant, Latino, Arroz con habichuelas colorados (Rice And Red Beans)
Restaurant, Latino, arroz con leche (rice pudding)
Restaurant, Latino, black bean soup
Restaurant, Latino, bunuelos (fried yeast bread)
Restaurant, Latino, chicken and rice, entree, prepared
Restaurant, Latino, empanadas, beef, prepared
Restaurant, Latino, pupusas con frijoles (pupusas, bean)
Restaurant, Latino, pupusas con queso (pupusas, cheese)
Restaurant, Latino, pupusas del cerdo (pupusas, pork)
Restaurant, Latino, tamale, corn
Restaurant, Latino, tamale, pork
Restaurant, Latino, tripe soup
Rhubarb, frozen, cooked, with sugar
Rhubarb, frozen, uncooked
Rhubarb, raw
Rhubarb, wild, leaves (Alaska Native)
Rice and Wheat cereal bar
Rice bowl with chicken, frozen entree, prepared (includes fried, teriyaki, and sweet and sour varieties)
Rice bran, crude
Rice cake, cracker (include hain mini rice cakes)
Rice drink, unsweetened, with added calcium, vitamins A and D
Rice flour, brown
Rice flour, white
Rice noodles, cooked
Rice noodles, dry
Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked
Rice, brown, long-grain, raw
Rice, brown, medium-grain, cooked
Rice, brown, medium-grain, raw
Rice, white, glutinous, cooked
Rice, white, glutinous, raw
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, unenriched, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, unenriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, prepared
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, enriched, with salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, unenriched, with salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, unenriched, without salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, enriched
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, cooked
Rice, white, medium-grain, cooked, unenriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, raw, enriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, short-grain, cooked
Rice, white, short-grain, cooked, unenriched
Rice, white, short-grain, raw
Rice, white, short-grain, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, steamed, Chinese restaurant
Rice, white, with pasta, cooked
Rice, white, with pasta, dry
Roast beef spread
Rolls, dinner, egg
Rolls, dinner, oat bran
Rolls, dinner, plain, commercially prepared (includes brown-and-serve)
Rolls, dinner, plain, prepared from recipe, made with low fat (2%) milk
Rolls, dinner, rye
Rolls, dinner, wheat
Rolls, dinner, whole-wheat
Rolls, french
Rolls, hamburger or hotdog, mixed-grain
Rolls, hamburger or hotdog, plain
Rolls, hamburger or hotdog, reduced-calorie
Rolls, hard (includes kaiser)
Rolls, pumpernickel
Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
Rose-apples, raw
Roselle, raw
Rosemary, fresh
Rowal, raw
Rutabagas, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Rutabagas, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Rutabagas, raw
Rye flour, dark
Rye flour, light
Rye flour, medium

Total Items Found: 121

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BellaOnline Nutrition Database - main page

Underlying data for the BellaOnline Nutritional Database is provided by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2010. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23.


Embrace the Art of Natural Perfumes

Caring for Ethnic Skin Under Stress

Autumn in Door County


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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